Copyright Karen Schuenemann, Wilderness At Heart Photography. All rights reserved.
El Dorado Regional Park, Long Beach, CA
El Dorado Park is a regional park situated in Long Beach. What makes it really special is that you can get "up close and personal" with the many ducks, herons, and egrets that populate the park. In addition, Ospreys make a regular appearance when the ponds are stocked with trout. The Ospreys are amazing to shoot and with luck and opportunity, I have been fortunate in capturing some incredible images. From American Coots to Cormorants to Anna's Hummingbirds to Flickers, all can be seen at this wonderful local park.
All of our Regional and local parks offer opportunities to get out in nature in our urban environments. There is a tremendous amount of knowledge and education available and I encourage you to take advantage of their beauty and wildness.